Sunday, June 28, 2009

Let's Do It Again - BBBC Launches Second Ad Coop

This time it is local. Less than one month after successfully debuting in
Black Enterprise Magazine, the members of the Black Business Builders
Club are working together to start local Black Business Awareness campaigns.
First stop - Jersey City, NJ

The Bergen Avenue Bus Lines is one of the Old Bus Lines in Jersey City NJ. It
goes from Bayonne to Journal Square. Daily people ride the bus to commute to
work, school, or just the pursuit of entertainment. With Black Community of
over 67 thousand Blacks according to the US Census Bureau 2000 data.

"Making the Black Business Builder Club and the Black Folks Guide a household
name within the Black Community is our goal for 2009 and 2010", stated Clarence
Coggins (aka Crown PRince of WeB 2.0), Project Coordinator.

This project is the genesis of other efforts in our communities which will be a
continuation of a long legacy of Blacks striving for Economic Empowerment and
Financial Freedom. The Black Business Builders Club is a membership organization
that teaches it members how to use the Internet to generate income from home.

The Black Folks Guide to Making Big Money on the Internet was written by Lee
Green, Chairman of the National Black Business Trade Association and Founder
of the Black Business Builders Club. It serves as an guide for members to get
the most out of the club and the internet.

The deadline for participation in the second coop is July 15, 2009. For More
information visit or call 973-943-4073

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Peeved Peak Potential Bans CP From Future Events

Well I guess the Millionaire Mind Intensive will be having one less participant. Clarence Coggins, the Crown Prince of Web 2.0, has been placed on the Persona Non Grata list. Why? Because of a Youtube Video Taken Posted over a year ago.

The Following is the correspondence between myself and Peak Potential. Up to the part where I call Harv a Jerk and let him know that he could stick it in his "Briefs".

Like they know nothing of freedom of speech up north in Canada. They think that just because they may have a little money they can just boss people around. Well they ran into a Bible Believing American this Time.

Like I really have much better things to do than go protest an event. More importantly, there are many more events and programs one can attend. I just don't like their attitude. It STINKS.


Please bear in mind we will be monitoring your YouTube postings and will take all appropriate action, in suitable forums and venues, relative to defamatory, inaccurate or disparaging material you post, in addition to the removal by YouTube of your “work.” Please be advised our event staff has been notified you will not be permitted entry to our event, and will have you removed by the venue or authorities, appropriate to the situation. Any filming of our event, staff or clientele is unauthorized by Peak Potentials and will also be dealt with.

If you have any questions regarding the foregoing, or our intent to carry through, please feel fee to contact me.

Harvey J. Sotolov

Manager, Legal Affairs

Peak Potentials Training, Inc.

(604) 983-3344 x1455

(604) 983-3326 fax

From: Jason Holmes
Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 3:44 PM
Subject: RE: You Will Not Be Permitted To Attend MMI

Hello Clarence,

Thank you for your email.

You will find that you have never been charged $97 for the upcoming MMI in New J ersey 2009.


Jason Holmes

Assistant Manager of Client Care

Peak Potentials Training

Toll Free: 1-888-868-8883

Fax: 604-983-3365

Home of the world famous Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar and #1 NY Times best selling book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

From: []
Sent: Tuesday, J une 16, 2009 3:18 PM
To: J ason Holmes
Sub j ect: Re: You Will Not Be Permitted To Attend MMI

Okay J ason,

J ust make sure you refund my registration fee. Because if you had made this information available to me when it came to your attention I would not have made a registration. And expect me to make Youtube video about the prohibition of me attending the event.

Clarence Coggins
Crown PRince of WeB 2.0

--- On Tue, 6/16/09, J ason Holmes < J ason.Holmes@PEAKPOTENTIALS.COM> wrote:

From: J ason Holmes < J ason.Holmes@PEAKPOTENTIALS.COM>
Sub j ect: You Will Not Be Permitted To Attend MMI
Date: Tuesday, J une 16, 2009, 2:57 PM

Dear Clarence,

You recently registered to attend the Millionaire Mind Intensive in Secaucus New J ersey .

We wish to inform you that you will not be permitted to attend this event or any other future Peak Potentials programs. This decision was based on your unauthorized posting of Millionaire Mind Intensive video on You Tube.

Should you have any questions about this decision please contact:

Harvey J . Sotolov

Peak Potentials Manager Legal Affairs
(604) 983-3344 x1455
(604) 983-3326 fax


Jason Holmes

Assistant Manager of Client Care

Peak Potentials Training

Toll Free: 1-888-868-8883

Fax: 604-983-3365

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