Monday, February 25, 2008

Background of My Father

"Clarence Coggins, New Jersey state coordinator of the Jackson campaign, said his organization did not emphasize voter registration. "That wasn't the focus," he said. "The focus was to win with what you had."

Perhaps Coggins was understating the voter-registration effort. Many of his county coordinators reported large numbers of new registrants, an indication, they said, of newly born political awareness among minority voters.

Across New Jersey, according to the secretary of state's office, about 3.7 million residents will be eligible to vote tomorrow - up about 150,000, or 4 percent, from the 3,550,000 registered before the last presidential primary in 1980." This was a quote from Andrew Maykuth Online The Philadelphia Inquirer June 4, 1984

I was entering my biography on Wikipedia and I got speedily deleted. LOL. Sometimes people on the internet really kill me with some of their positions. Well right now I have a resentment and being the type of guy that I am. I'm not going to rest until I have a website which has a higher user count and rating that Wiki. But in the meanwhile, I'd thought I'd share a little more about my family background.

High Lights in the Life of An Active Clarence Coggins

1942 to 1946Active member of National Maritime Union while serving in the United states Merchant Marine, while serving as a Fireman, torpedoed three (3) times.
1947Defied "I-Am-The-Law" former Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City in conducting a demonstration in Journal Square protesting Compulsory Universal Peace-time military training.
1948Supported the first Black candidate for Congress in the Eleventh (11th) Congressional District, Dr. Ulysses S. Campbell, who ran on a Progressive Party Ticket, in 1948
Organized the founding chapter of the Hudson County New Jersey Negro Labor Council, in Jersey City which was a fore-runner of the National Negro Labor Council established in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1951.
1952 to 1953Campaigned vigorously in support of the Faulkner Act's Charter Change Movement in the City of Newark.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Why Pimp is not Cute

I got this video link from The Thoughts of Black Men Group. It illustrates why black history is more than just an African American occurrence. It illustrates why we have
to look at our past to fully understand the ramifications of our actions.

Reply | Copy This

This was from last year.
But on the lighter side and the solution side. Here is the video I did on 1 Upcashsystem. A component of how I believe we can improve our economic conditions without selling our Mothers, sisters and daughters.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lest We Forget Why I Voted!!

click on image to enlarge to read.

All I can say is wow! Young People get a clue! (wenches, Huh!) Scary!

Never forget the price paid for where you stand today.
This was once our resume' (image above)...

None of us has had to experience the pain of separation or live with the disgrace and humiliation that comes with not being free. When you cast your vote for who will run our country, never forget your history and keep this bill of sale in mind. When we allow ourselves to forget our not so distant past, then we are destined to repeat these actions in our future. Stand for those who came before us and those who could not stand up for themselves. VOTE!

I encourage you to share this with everyone you know.

Boost Up Visionary Economic Business Solutions

This post is sponsored by Buck Fifty Miracle Dot Info It's How you BOOST YOUR INCOME

Here is more information Baruti Forward To me.

BOOST Events: FREE to the public, donation accepted and encouraged (Make checks or money orders payable to Visionary Economic Business Solutions (VEBS) c/o BOOST * 23 West Street * Bordentown , NJ 08505 . VEBS is a federally tax-exempt 501©3 non-partisan nonprofit organization serving the world of not-for-profits with grant-writing and capacity-building services. For more information, please call (206) 202-2883 or email GSS-SET Central/VEBS

Friday, February 29: New Jersey Future's Redevelopment Forum 2008 that will be held on Friday, February 29 at the Hyatt in New Brunswick . Featured lunch speakers are Jonathan F.P. Rose, founder of Jonathan Rose Companies (keynote), as well as Commissioners Joseph V. Doria, Jr. and Lisa P. Jackson, NJ Departments of Community Affairs and of Environmental Protection, respectively. Twenty-two (22) workshops are scheduled covering four tracks of instruction and planners are advised that the Forum has been approved for Certification Maintenance credits (CM). For more information or to register, please click here .

Saturday, March 1: Part 1 of 3 BOOST's FREE TO THE PUBLIC (donations accepted) Winter 2008 Documentary Viewing and Discussion series features Trenton's premiere forum moderator, Professor Alvyn Haywood, at 12 noon on Saturday, March 1 at Classics Used and Rare Books, located at 117 South Warren Street in downtown Trenton (NJ) with Introducing Abraham: The Secret Behind the Secret, part 1 of 3. Also To join as an early-bird for participation in GSS-SET, feel free to

Saturday, April 3: Part 2 of 3 BOOST's FREE TO THE PUBLIC (donations accepted) Winter 2008 Documentary Viewing and Discussion series features Trenton's premiere forum moderator, Professor Alvyn Haywood, at 12 noon on Saturday, April at Classics Used and Rare Books, located at 117 South Warren Street in downtown Trenton (NJ) with Introducing Abraham: The Secret Behind the Secret, part 2 of 3. Also To join as an early-bird for participation in GSS-SET, feel free to

Saturday, May 5: Part 3 of 3 BOOST's FREE TO THE PUBLIC (donations accepted) Winter 2008 Documentary Viewing and Discussion series features Trenton's premiere forum moderator, Professor Alvyn Haywood, at 12 noon on Saturday, May 5 at Classics Used and Rare Books, located at 117 South Warren Street in downtown Trenton (NJ) with Introducing Abraham: The Secret Behind the Secret, part 3 of 3. Also To join as an early-bird for participation in GSS-SET, feel free to

Saturday, May 17: Professor Alvyn Haywood continues his signature documentary screenings and community discussions with Brother Minister - the Assassination of Malcolm X at Classics Used and Rare Books on Saturday, May 17 from 12 noon until 2pm. free admission, donations accepted.

The 1965 murder of militant Nation of Islam leader Malcolm X remains a vivid, controversial incident, sparking a decade of federal court cases. Jack Baxter's riveting documentary Brother Minister re-examines the case, offering new information on the links between Malcolm X's death and investigation and such figures as Louis Farrakhan and J. Edgar Hoover. Includes an exclusive interview with Malcolm X's secretary, James 67X.

Saturday, June 7: On Saturday, June 7, 2008 at 12 noon, Professor Alvyn Haywood will facilitate a screening and community discussion for Sundance TV Channel's, Big Idea for a Small Planet, the Build Episode at Classics Used and Rare Books located at 117 South Warren Street in downtown Trenton.

In this episode, a visionary architect works with clients to build their first "green" home; a designer demonstrates his real-life tree house made of growing tree trunks; and environmentally conscious ideas are introduced to low-income neighborhoods.

Please visit for more community resources and networking opportunities.

Sponsorhip Invitation:

My name is Tim Razzaq for Building Open Opportunity Structures Together (BOOST) and we have a year-long series of public awareness forums and leadership development workshops called Green, Smart, and Sustainable Stakehoder Education and Training (GSS-SET) and need to know to whom, within your company, should we send an invitation to sponsorship. Our blog has some details about the program ( ) and I can be reached by reply email or leave a voice message name, date, brief message, and time of call at (206) 202-2883.

Second, we would also like to invite you or someone from your organization to be a workshop facilitator for our Green, Smart, and Sustainable Stakeholder Education and Training 2008-09 (GSS-SET) was recently endorsed by the Urban Land Institute's Norther New Jersey District Council and your company can be a part of something new and relevant to a sustainable future in New Jersey and the tri-state region. We are going to offer 30 workshops (three per day/one day each month) over a ten month period starting in September of 2008 and running through June of 2008.

Tim Razzaq, President
Voice Mail And Fax:
(206) 202-2883 (Please leave name, date, brief message & a return phone number)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Struggle and Rebellion.

Here is more information from "The Principal" Baruti Kafele




In Association with 7 Principle Books



Highlighting Our Long History Of Resistance to Oppression


DHORUBA BIN WAHAD (original Black Panther Party/Former Political Prisoner

ZAYID MUHAMMAD (National Minister Of Culture: New Black Panther Party)


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Yes! Your Personal Cheat Sheet to Web 2.0. This will save you time and loads of dollars. The 1 Minute 30 Day Success System Outline is a streamlined version of the complete 1 Minute 30 Day Success System.
Clarence Coggins, creator of the system, just couldn't stand the nonsense that was going on the internet and decided to give people a guide to get to the heart of the matter.

He spent countless hours testing and compiling the outline. It contains all the information necessary to start marketing like a Pro.

Get Your Copy Today

Monday, February 18, 2008

Free Your African Mind NYC Lectures

Free Your African Mind!

Africans Going Home – Forward to Our Universe!

I got this schedule from one of the emails Baruti Kafele, The Principal, send me. I just wanted to share it with my subscribers.

Mar. 1, 2008 African Cosmology of the Bantu and Kongo People!
Elder Brother Kia Bunseki Fu-Kiau
African community educator and author
Mar. 15, 2008 Understanding the Pyramid Texts and the Shabaka Stone – As it Relates
to Our Cosmic Universe Brother Kaba Hiawatha Kamene
(Bro. Booker T. Coleman)
African community educator
Mar. 29, 2008 Liberating the African Race – Using Melanin and Health Healing Practices!
Sister Ann Brown
African community educator, anatomist, cellular biologist
Apr. 12, 2008 A Race Woman: Amy Ashwood Garvey; Pan-Africanist and feminist
Brother Tony Martin
African community educator
Apr. 26, 2008 The essence and the evolution of The Maati Code – from enlightenment
to Consciousness and Beyond! (part II)
Brother Hunter Adams III
African community researcher
May 10, 2008 From Black Consciousness to African Consciousness –
Africans Going Home! Brother James Turner
African community educator
May 24, 2008 Ancient Dogon Cosmology and its message for the Coming Ages!
Brother Charles Finch
African community educator and author
June 7, 2008 Standing on the shoulders of Our Ancestors – Leaping Forward!
Brother Kenneth Nunn
African law educator
All lectures at Prince Hall Masonic Temple. Prince Hall Masonic Temple: 454 W. 155th St., NYC
There will be a discussion period at the end of each lecture. Donation: $5 Time: 3pm – 7pm
First World Alliance: Chairman - Bro. Berry (973) 744-7529, Program Director - Bro. Lionel (914) 965-2270

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Are You A Goddess???

Are you a Goddess??? I was looking for more material to offer people on how to write an ebook and I stumbled across this video. My first Christian instinct was to recoil at the title. But I did see the merits of some of the concepts discussed.

Among the women who I had been dealing with their had been a very serious disconnect with each other. Many women in my community have a hostile attitudes towards other women. The concept of women coming together to accomplish great things is not uncommon.

Putting theology aside, it is important to recognize the true gift that God gave the world when he created women. It is especially on this Valentine Day we celebrate the essence of womanhood which transcends the physical.

Let me know what you think send you emails to and put Goddess in the subject.

HAPPY VALENTINE DAY!!! Join our community which is empowering women world wide Buck Fifty Miracle

Wealth from The Internet

That is the big question lot's of people want answered How to get Wealth from the Internet? It takes commitment, dedication and learning. It takes taking action.

Many people come to the Internet with the idea of achieving overnight wealth. It can happen, but which night that is generally came after many nights of not seeing that wealth.

Creating financial wealth from the internet is something that comes from a process. And all processes take place over a period of time. It took me time to go through what I had to go through in order for me to see that want I had created in with the 1 Minute 30 Day Success works not only for me but for countless others. For those of you who read my blog here is your complimentary copy of the 1 Minute 30 Day Success System Outline send and email to One of the first principles of wealth that I hope to share with you is to start reselling it at the full $24.95 and keeping all the revenue. You are doing the labor why not reap the Full Fruits of that Labor?

Friday, February 1, 2008

First day of Black History Month

It is amazing how different Black History Month feels on in 2008 and how it did in 1988. It's hard to imagine that with every breath I take and every decision I make, I create Black History. The question is did I do GOOD?

How do you feel about that? And I ask people on non-African American descent to put in comments of how they are continuing the legacy of their ancestry.

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