Monday, February 25, 2008

Background of My Father

"Clarence Coggins, New Jersey state coordinator of the Jackson campaign, said his organization did not emphasize voter registration. "That wasn't the focus," he said. "The focus was to win with what you had."

Perhaps Coggins was understating the voter-registration effort. Many of his county coordinators reported large numbers of new registrants, an indication, they said, of newly born political awareness among minority voters.

Across New Jersey, according to the secretary of state's office, about 3.7 million residents will be eligible to vote tomorrow - up about 150,000, or 4 percent, from the 3,550,000 registered before the last presidential primary in 1980." This was a quote from Andrew Maykuth Online The Philadelphia Inquirer June 4, 1984

I was entering my biography on Wikipedia and I got speedily deleted. LOL. Sometimes people on the internet really kill me with some of their positions. Well right now I have a resentment and being the type of guy that I am. I'm not going to rest until I have a website which has a higher user count and rating that Wiki. But in the meanwhile, I'd thought I'd share a little more about my family background.

High Lights in the Life of An Active Clarence Coggins

1942 to 1946Active member of National Maritime Union while serving in the United states Merchant Marine, while serving as a Fireman, torpedoed three (3) times.
1947Defied "I-Am-The-Law" former Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City in conducting a demonstration in Journal Square protesting Compulsory Universal Peace-time military training.
1948Supported the first Black candidate for Congress in the Eleventh (11th) Congressional District, Dr. Ulysses S. Campbell, who ran on a Progressive Party Ticket, in 1948
Organized the founding chapter of the Hudson County New Jersey Negro Labor Council, in Jersey City which was a fore-runner of the National Negro Labor Council established in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1951.
1952 to 1953Campaigned vigorously in support of the Faulkner Act's Charter Change Movement in the City of Newark.

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