Saturday, April 19, 2008

Yahoo! Mail -

This post is sponsored by The Million Dollar Challenge
From the Email of "Principal" Baruti Kafele"I'm on FIRE!!!"

Thank you for Sharing Emily

ASSLAS SPRING 2008 SCHOLAR IN RESIDENCE4/22 AND 4/23Educator, writer, and activist Angela Davis, a tenured professor in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the University of California Presidential Chair in African American and Feminist Studies, will serve as the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences spring 2008 Scholar in Residence on April 22 and 23.

Her visit begins on Tuesday, April 22, at 5 PM, with a screening of thedocumentary film The Farm: Angola (1998), which depicts day-to-day life inAngola Prison in Angola Louisiana. At 7 PM, she will deliver the keynoteaddress, "Identifying Racism in the Era of Neoliberalism," in which sheaddresses the persistent yet mutating dynamics of racism.On Wednesday, April 23, at 12:30 PM.

Davis will lead a round table discussion with New York-based artists Dread Scott, Hank Willis Thomas, Alain "KET" Mariduea and Amy Sananman about aesthetic practice, cultural politics, and social justice.

And because I'm an information professional, here are directions to the Brooklyn campus from Grand Central:Take the downtown 4 or 5 train to the Fulton Street station. Take theBrooklyn-bound A or C train to the Hoyt-Schermerhorn station. Cross platformand take the G train (front car) to the Clinton-Washington station. UseWashington Avenue exit. On Washington, walk one block north to DeKalbAvenue. Turn right onto DeKalb and proceed one block to Hall Street/SaintJames to the corner gate of the Pratt campus.


Emily Drabinski
Reference Librarian
Sarah Lawrence College
Yahoo! Mail -
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