1 Minute 30 Day Success | Blog Talk Radio Feed
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Memorial Day Message - The Price of Freedom
This is my first direct feed video on Viddler. It is great that the topic would be freedom. It represents change. While most people are used to hearing about Youtube there are many video carriers out there. I had mentioned a while back I was going to be releasing a report on some of the services I use.
"Would you believe I got side-tracked?" The would you believe is in italics because that was one of the favorite lines of Maxwell Smart Agent 86 of the original GET SMART TV show. But it's true. So many new things are emerging on the web. So much to explore and so much to develop.
But I made this video and I talked about Memorial Day. It is kind of a rethinking video. Coming from a revolutionary background, where my father served in the Merchant Marines because of the Segregation that took place at the time and also because he was a Marxist Leninist, my attitudes and opinion of the US military were not always favorable.
But as time has gone on and I've re-examined my core beliefs and values, I've come to appreciate the unique situation the Men and Women of the United States Armed Forces are in. I also think it is also because of the fact that there is no compulsion to serve that has allowed me to look at the matter more objectively.
I first looked at the military as the tool of the Right Wing, Fascist to subjugate, and suppress the rest of the rest of the world for their exploitation. I also looked as the role the National Guard played against the Rioters in Newark. Overall I lumped the Machine in with Ammo.
I now see that was a two simplistic and idealistic view. My current view is that when people answer the call to serve they have made a commitment. That they may be forced to do things they do not like or want to do, but Duty calls for it.
It is my view that even though I may not agree with all the policies of the United States it is only because of Providence, the US Military and the prudent use of them that we are able to enjoy the freedoms which we do.
It is easy to point the finger and call this one or that one bad or evil. It is a testament and tribute to those who have made the ultimate for us to not take the easy way out. That we take the time to get active and look for ways to increase those freedoms and improve the standard of the living.
I know there is a risk of taking a position. But, to not take a position and be willing to through it into the crucible of public scrutiny would be to spit in the face of those who died to make this country free. It is okay to disagree. It is okay to be different. It is even better to be willing to suffer correction in order to get better.
That was part of the spirit which this country was founded upon. The Founding Fathers didn't all agree, but they worked together to form a more perfect union. That is the moral of this blog. That is very important to recognize that we as Americans are at our best when we don't demonize each other. The results of that is schismatic.
This is what is the greatest challenge in America greater than race. It is how we as Americans can cure the bitterness we feel towards each other. How we can heal the riff that holding the country back from it true glory.
Let us use the Day of Memorial Day, to reflect that the Men and Women of our Armed Forces have died so that we can "make a more Perfect Union". Let us be grateful for their efforts and honor their memory with our action. God Bless America. God Bless the Citizens of the United States of America. God Bless those who died in the service of protection of the United States of America.
Friday, May 23, 2008
The Tubby Nerd and The Crown Prince of Web 2.0

ED DALE - Co Founder of The Thirty Day Challenge

Clarence Coggins - Creator of 1 Minute 30 Day Success System
A Mac Manic, Guitar Playing, Aussie Fashionista, Ed Dale is teaching thousands of people who to earn an income from the internet. With the fourth season of the "Thirty Day Challenge" getting ready to launch June 1, 2008, Ed has added some new twist.
He's streaming now. Yes, reality internet has a new champion - Ed Dale and is trusty partner Dan Raine. Part of the reason I got the title of Crown Prince of Web 2.0 was because I interviewed people like Ed for my radio program the 1 Minute 30 Day Success System.
Here is that groundbreaking, exclusive interview.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Black Business Value Tour Blitz
Announcing the BBS Value Tour 6 Day Promotional Blitz...
Posted by Jacqueline Taylor-Adams on May 19, 2008 at 9:31am
What position will you play?
The Black Business Space Value Tour is on a mission to build functional communities and we must let EVERYONE know. So, beginning Monday May 19, 2008 thru Saturday, May 23, 2008, the BBS Value Tour Run a 6 Day Intense Purpose-Driven Promotional Blitz.
What position will you play?
We're asking you as a member of BBS community to help manifest our collective power by
>>>Throwing up a daily prayer for the success of the BBS Value Tour
>>>Taking 6 deep cleansing breaths when arising each morning this week:
close right nostril with thumb and take air in fully filling the lungs; release right nostril and close left nostril with fore finger exhaling air fully pushing the abdomen all the way in expelling all air (make sure you are sitting up with back straight)
>>>Drinking water
>>>Speaking Affirmation Aloud at least once a day:
"Today I am born anew and my birthplace is a vineyard where there is fruit for all." (Og Mandino)
Value: Community (Rightful Acknowledgment)
>>> Say hello to everyone you pass without expectation of return. This includes children of all ages
Doing at least one of these promotional activities once a day:
1. Invite friends to join you on BBSVT,
2. Repost our support blogs as a blog on your MySpace or any place you think is appropriate - http://www.blackbusinessspace.com/profiles/blog/show?id=820753%3ABl... or http://www.blackbusinessspace.com/profiles/blog/show?id=820753%3ABl...
3. Listen to the radio show; invite people and/or call in; post the code to the show on your website or profile page on another community
4. Become A Black Business Builder Become a member now"
Doing at least one of these interactive activities once a day - Visit BBSVT, www.bbsvaluetour.com, and
**Play a game or video
**Post music and/or video
**Post a blog and/or in the forums
**Visit a sponsor group and engage in one activity there
**Visit an artist group and leave comments
That's it! Simple daily actions for only 6 days, that will take no more than 30 min to an hour of your time.
Your actions will produce a positive outcome for you and the BBSVT commUNITY. There's Value in the Valley, on the Plains, and on the Hills. There's value in a relationship with you!
Peace, Luv, and Continual Thanks for your Support.
Tags: bbs value tour, prayer, strategy, community, blitz, power, lee green, wellness, hill, marketing