Saturday, January 23, 2010

Teach and Grow Rich 2010 Kicks off Strong with Kathleen Gage

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While often times people have the impress that wealth people don't share or give, this is one of the fallacies that was exposed in the first session of Teach and Grow Rich Featuring Kathleen Gage. She first started out by pointing out the massive show of giving wealthy and successful people demonstrated during the Haitian Relief show. She also linked it how having a sustainable online source help people to give more to various charities.

The topic for the evening was Building a Sustainable Income Online. Kathleen pointed out that the way to do this was by building massive recognition and credibility in one niche market.

The call lasted a little more than an half hour but Kathleen covered "how you can quickly and easily gain massive name recognition within a specific target market – recognition that equates to greater credibility and increased sales","how to continually (and easily) keep your name fresh in your prospect’s and customers’ mind", and "what works and what doesn’t when it comes to gaining visibility on the Internet to avoid costly mistakes".

It was great to hear how responsive the listeners were to her simple and powerful message. What really impressed me was when one of the guest who was blind brought out how sometimes it was difficult for blind people to click on links because the software the use is voice activated as opposed to mouse activated.

To learn more about Kathleen Gage and her Vip Program visit

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Thanks Clarence, Think and Grow Rich w/Kathleen Gage was a great show. I am glad that I was able to attend. I agree very strongly about what Kathleen said in reference to building a sustainable income to be able to fund different charitable endeavors is absolutely important to me and that has always been a burning desire of mine.

Keep up the good work you know some amazing people. I look forward to the next series.

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