Monday, December 31, 2007

Managing Large Groups On

I started out on in 1999. I had learned about it in a Yahoo Chat room. It was absolutely amazing.

To see so many black people on the internet was mind boggling. It was at a time when I was homeless. I had heard about a search engine site call "Ask Jeeves".

At that time I was living in an abandoned funeral parlor on Clinton Avenue in Newark. It was just before the big blizzard that year. My only possessions at that time were a few pair of clothes, maybe two pairs of shoes, some drug paraphernalia and a radio. I also had a ton of fiction books to read.

I was messing around with some of the local hookers and when the blizzard hit I ran into one of them. I didn't have any money, but she had just left a guy in a motel room who was loaded. She told me that she was tired of him. Tired of the drugs he had for her and just wanted to be with someone else. That someone was me for the moment.

We went to the abandoned house she was frequenting and she got me high. I wanted to do the deed, but she just wasn't feeling it. So we talked. Then she said to me "You've got to get a better hustle."

Those words motivated me to want to write and publish another book. Before I had became homeless, I had self-published. The book hadn't done that well, but I sold a few copies. I attribute the lack of sales do to lack of marketing effort. The books that did sell came from News Releases.

So how does a homeless man write a book? I started with a spiral notepad and I started a story called Escapades at the Honeymooners which was based on my using days. At that time I didn't think that I had a problem. I was always looking at the stopping, never looking at the using. As you can see from the title, I wanted to utilized the popularity of the Jackie Gleason Show. Shadows of great things to come.

Still being homeless I didn't have a computer with word processing abilities. I went to the local library and they had internet access. And what I did a search for free internet email services. If I could use a word processor I figured I would email myself the chapter.


Here is the secret weapon I use for group management.
Buy MySpace Friend Bomber v 3.0.1

Buy Black Planet Friend Bomber v 3.0.0

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