Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Dr. Dr. It's Zhana - Here's Chicken Soup

It was a full day that started off with prayer. I did the Lazzeo Live Show with Dr. Christian. I had to go to take care of two computer repair clients.

Both jobs took longer than I anticipated, I wound up catch a taxi to make sure I go home in time for The Interview With Zhana about her book Black Success Stories

It was well worth the $10 bucks. We had a live call-in from Hawaii. The caller asked some really good questions like Did the black in Britian feel any attachment/identification with African Americans? And if Black's in American had a distorted perspective because of their position in being in America.

Recently I have been having more contact with Hawaiians. A major proponent of EFT had called me one day. Which was way cool because she found my name while she was doing a search on Willie Jolley Needless to say, "Color Me IMPRESSED" LOLOLOL.

To Come up right after one of the nations TOP MOTIVATIONAL speakers is "Beyond AWESOME". I know I'm using a lot of caps but big deal. I'm happy like that. And it's okay to celebrate success. That was one of the things Zhana and I was talking about. It is also to recognize the success we already are.

It was really really good to make the English connection. It's the door way to the Land of Ghandi. Who was Dr. King's leading role models.

Well after I finished with Zhana, I decided to do a little reading. So I continued reading from Chicken Soup

Watch The Dancer In All Of Us by Judi Sheppard Missett

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