Women!!! How important to humanity. Women!!! The carriers of the fertilized seeds. Dr. Joy DeGruy Leary Ph.D has written a wonderful report on the effects of not dealing with issue of race has had on the American Society. The book is Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome is awesome.
One of the points that struck me and continues to ring true is the following: "My audience tells me blacks are impacted economically through discriminatory hiring practices. Having little or no access to capital, blacks are seen as lacking business acumen. They are impacted by limited access to health care. They are impacted by over-representation in the criminal justice system and under-representation in the university system. They are impacted by redlining and other discriminatory practices barring them from finding housing in the areas of their choice. The list goes on." pg 22-23.
It is funny, (I'm being sarcastic)when law makers in NJ would make statements like "I never owned in slaves". As if just because their lack of participation served as absolution of the crime. It's not just about Slavery. It's about the systematic oppression that is still taking place today.
One of the things which I found so hopeful in Obama was that a generation which didn't directly experience the trials of Dr. King and Malcolm X is coming of age. It is important that we point out the shortcomings of the preceding generation so that the assets can be built upon.
Dr. Martin Luther Kings legacy is a living one that is fanned with every non-black vote that Barak Obama gets. I look at my own experience streaming on the Internet and the hateful comments I get. But, I'm glad I focus on those who look beyond race, creed and economic background. I'm glad the Internet does offer Net-neutrality. I'm encouraged to be a leader a community that is spanning the global welcoming all who choose to make a brighter future for themselves. And I issue you an invitation to join us
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