Sunday, March 23, 2008

From My Friend The Principal - Joseph Walker Memorial Fund

When I got this email I had to chuckle at first. Baruti is far from the type of person to not self-promote. Here is the contents:

Good afternoon,

As all of you know, I try to shy away from self-promotion, but in this case, the cause is most significant.

Following is a brief overview from the organizer of the event and founder of the Joseph Walker Memorial Fund – Mr. Todd Walker

Message from Todd Walker

The Joseph Walker Memorial Fund was created after my father’s death in January 2000. “The Fund” has sponsored camperships for students as well as scholarships for elementary students, and high school graduating seniors.

Our first annual banquet was held in March 2007. We are planning another banquet on March 29, 2008 at The Essex House, 525 Northfield Avenue, West Orange from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The guest speaker will be Baruti Kafele, an educational and motivational speaker. Mr. Kafele has written several books geared towards educating African American Children and Teachers.

You may purchase a ticket from Todd Walker (908)-938-0320 or Bernice Walker (973)-676-6257. The cost is $ 55.00 per person. You may show your support by purchasing an ad / booster that will appear in our souvenir banquet booklet.

"I'm on FIRE!!!"

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